SAXOCON congratulates Arla Foods Ingredients on the positive EFSA opinion regarding their novel food application for Lacroprodan® BLG-100. We are proud that our contribution helped get the application over the finish line and look forward to Arla receiving full EU...
Packaging is not the first thing we think of when we think of food. However, the biosafety of the materials used in food packaging impact the food contained within. So, it is essential to understand the health and safety consequences of the packaging. For more...
To know your materials is the beginning of wisdom. One key aspect of manufacturing is materials screening. Proper biosafety and sourcing require having full transparency about the physical and chemical information associated with your materials throughout your supply...
Are you ready for the upcoming requirements for submission and approval of your food enzymes? In March 2020, EFSA announced changes in how food enzymes compiled in joint dossiers will be evaluated. The deadline for meeting the new requirements is 21 April 2022. If you...
Titanium dioxide is widely used in the EU as food colourant E171. In May, EFSA announced that titanium dioxide is no longer considered safe when used as a food additive. Recently, a similar concern has been expressed concerning its use as an additive in animal feed....
Packaging is not the first thing we think of when we think of food. However, the materials used in food packaging impact the food contained within. So, it is essential to understand the health and safety consequences presented by the food packaging used. Any materials...