Pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers need to ensure the safety of the materials used in their products. Particulate contamination is a risk in production facilities. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and proper risk management require the identification of...
Are you a manufacturer? Do you know what particles your workers are exposed to in your working environment? Whether it’s additive manufacturing, assembly, welding or any other process that produces dust or fumes, your workers are being exposed to particles....
Medical devices are often vital for a patient’s well-being and must therefore be safe and should definitely not worsen their condition. However, there is a high risk of particulate contamination for intravenous and infusion medical devices that can cause health issues...
Do you know what airborne particles you are exposed to and which of these particles is a health concern? We can help you determine what is in the air you are breathing, the risks posed, and how to mitigate potential problems. Using the method improved at DTU Nanolab,...
Air quality problems can often be difficult to pinpoint? You can be doing everything by the book concerning air temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels and still have an air-quality problem. In most cases, when confronted with persistent and difficult-to-diagnose,...
Do you know what particles your workers are exposed to in your working environment? Which of these particles is a concern for the health of your workers? Usually, understanding the risks posed by particles associated with processes that generate dust or involve...