The substances of very high concern (SVHC) candidate list is constantly changing. In a recent update, eight new substances, widely used in consumer products such as cosmetics, scented articles, rubber, and textiles, were added to the candidate list for restriction in...
Do you know what airborne particles you are exposed to and which of these particles is a health concern? We can help you determine what is in the air you are breathing, the risks posed, and how to mitigate potential problems. Using the method improved at DTU Nanolab,...
Titanium dioxide is widely used in the EU as food colourant E171. In May, EFSA announced that titanium dioxide is no longer considered safe when used as a food additive. Recently, a similar concern has been expressed concerning its use as an additive in animal feed....
Are you a medical device manufacturer? According to the new Regulation (EC) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR), medical device manufacturers must demonstrate to notified bodies that all critical suppliers conform with the ISO 13485 standard covering quality management...
Er du den arbejdsmiljøansvarlige hos jer? Har I et værksted, en produktion eller et laboratorie? Og ved du, hvad der er i den luft, I indånder? Der findes mange arbejdsprocesser, hvor der kan opstå fine og ultrafine partikler, som kan være farlige for jeres helbred....
SAXOCON is pleased to announce that our CTO, Carsten B. Senholt, will present at the 3rd Cleaning Validation LIVE event on 3 June 2021 at 13:40. Carsten will introduce the basic principles behind establishing Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) and its role in supporting...