A recent report by the ECHA found that over half the products sold online in the EU were non-compliant with one or more EU requirements with regard to chemicals. These findings resulted in more than 5000 enforcement actions by national authorities. As a product...
Are you a pharmaceutical manufacturer? Do you know whether your products contain nitrosamine impurities and, if so, whether they are below the thresholds established by the various regulatory agencies? SAXOCON has the expertise and services necessary to help you to...
Do you use nanomaterials in your production processes, or are they in your final finished product? If so, you are subject to EU regulations that require you to know and document your use of nanomaterials. According to ECHA, products incorporating or consisting of...
The substances of very high concern (SVHC) candidate list is constantly changing. In a recent update, eight new substances, widely used in consumer products such as cosmetics, scented articles, rubber, and textiles, were added to the candidate list for restriction in...
Titanium dioxide is widely used in the EU as food colourant E171. In May, EFSA announced that titanium dioxide is no longer considered safe when used as a food additive. Recently, a similar concern has been expressed concerning its use as an additive in animal feed....
Are you a medical device manufacturer? According to the new Regulation (EC) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR), medical device manufacturers must demonstrate to notified bodies that all critical suppliers conform with the ISO 13485 standard covering quality management...