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On-site Aerosol Sampling

Home 9 Aerosols 9 On-site Aerosol Sampling
SAXOCON Impactor

Exposure to aerosols can negatively affect health.

Using our SAXOCON Impactor tool, we can determine what is in the air at your workplace, if there are any risks, and how to mitigate potential problems.

We designed and built the SAXOCON Impactor to be a highly efficient, multi-stage impactor that collects airborne particles (down to the nanoscale) for analysis.

Our impactor is intended for on-site use and quickly collects the necessary samples. After collection, you return the impactor to us for an analysis of the collected particles to determine the distribution and concentration of sizes, whereafter our toxicologists establish their level of toxicity.

Gain some understanding about what is in the air you breathe and how it affects workplace safety.

Read more about how we can help you here.